Top Reasons Why You Keep Waking Up at Night

If there is one thing everything wants more of in this world, it’s sleep. Knowing the top reasons you keep waking up at night can help you fix any poor sleep habits.

Your Body Runs Hot

Your body needs to stay cool for a good night’s rest. Anything that disrupts that coolness could cause you to wake up. Many folks sleep hot and sweat regardless of the temperature in the room, so your sleeping environment must be comfortable.

A fan is a must for those who have issues with overheating. And if that has little effect on keeping you cool, you may have an underlying condition, so you should visit your doctor to get to the bottom of it.

A Trip to the Bathroom

Nothing is more aggravating than waking up from a deep sleep to rush to the bathroom. Thankfully, there are ways to avoid this.

Taking your daily prescriptions right before bed could be the culprit. Not only could the medication be the reason you have to go to the bathroom, but the water you take it with could add to the problem. Additionally, avoid spicy foods or heavy meals right before bedtime. A late-night snack is perfectly acceptable, but it needs to be light and healthy.

Frequent Anxiety

Mental health is a key factor in sleeping soundly. And when our thoughts race before we turn the lights off, it’s hard to fall into a relaxed state of mind. The best way to remedy this issue is to have a therapist you can confide in to manage stress. A psychiatrist could also prescribe something to help you sleep.

Furthermore, a mental health professional could recommend relaxation techniques to reduce anxiety. Other methods of reducing anxiety include establishing an exercise regime, meditating, and creating a calming sleeping environment.

Screentime Before Bed

Of all the habits that you may need to break, this might be the biggest issue. Everyone is prone to looking at their phone before hitting the sack because you never know what could happen in that five seconds that you didn’t scroll. But the blue light emissions from your phone can disrupt your circadian rhythm.

Undiagnosed Sleeping Disorders

You can manage many of the above sleep issues with the right guidance and willpower. However, sleep apnea is a condition that’s beyond our control. Luckily, sleep apnea can be treated with a CPAP device. Being able to sleep safely without worrying about your airways is an integral reason you should consider getting a CPAP machine.

Recognizing the top reasons you keep waking up at night could provide insight into why you can’t stay asleep. When you deal with the problem swiftly, you’ll be able to fall and stay asleep.