How To Use An SEO Cowriter For Your Blog

Blog posts are a vital component of any search engine optimization (SEO) strategy. However, you can’t just slap together an article and expect it to draw traffic. Google looks for certain elements in an article to determine how it will get indexed and how it will impact the ranking of your website.

All content you publish should contain keywords, be relevant to your niche, offer readers either solutions or information related to your products or services, and be written in a manner that is targeting people rather than search engines. And to keep visitors and search engines returning to your site, you have to publish something regularly. This may become an issue if you are already too busy with running your business. That is why SEO blog and content writing services exist.

The Benefits of Regular Blog Publication

As stated above, regular blog publishing is a key component of any SEO strategy. That is because when you publish blog posts with regularity, you help your business. Here is a look at how that works.

Lead Generation/Builds Trust

Monthly blog content helps generate leads in several different ways. A new blog post gives you something to share on social media feeds and other digital marketing opportunities, including email marketing. The more you blog about your product or service, the more people start to trust you. If you use a bit of personality in your posts, readers start to relate to you. When they feel that kind of connection, they are more likely to fill out contact forms providing you with new leads.


Blogging assists with sales because the information you publish will help customers in their research for certain products. The more credible product details you provide in your content, the better informed consumers will be. Plus, as part of your content creation, you can promote your products as solutions or options in the form of a soft sell within the information you provide. The more a visitor learns about your product, the better for you.


Brand awareness should be your goal if you are trying to stand out from your competitors and all other products online. Regular blogging gives you a platform to demonstrate your expertise in your product niche. It also increases brand awareness from the added exposure and publicity your blog posts will generate. With consistent blogging activity, visitors to your website will keep returning, which naturally encourages brand loyalty.

What Quality SEO-Driven Content Requires

Digital Authority Partners says that the co-writer you hire for your blog must understand the following qualifications for content to be effective online.


Probably the most critical factor for website ranking and marketing comes from the topical relevance of the content. For example, if you sell fishing gear, blogs about summer holidays that do not mention fishing are not relevant. Blogs about specific fishing gear, fishing tips, places to fish, types of fish, how to prepare fish, and fish recipes are all considered topically relevant. Your website requires blog traffic from blogs that make a natural connection to what your product is, what it is used for, how it works, etc.

Keyword Research

Keyword research is vital to fill topical content with the words that are common in online searches related to your niche. An SEO co-writer will know what online tools to use to find the most relevant keywords and will understand the mechanics behind constructing the right kind of blog content. This would include header tags, underlines, subheadings, bolded keywords, and more. All of these tactics would be implemented to attract search engines by feeding them the data they require to better understand your website content.

Introductory Paragraph

The most critical written text on the entire landing page of a blog post is the first few lines. Searchers who land on a page will know in just moments if they will find the information they are seeking from the introductory paragraph. If it does not indicate that it matches with the search that brought visitors to the page, they will leave and not likely return. If the page contains what they were looking for, the introduction will tell them. An SEO co-writer can construct the right paragraph for this.

Content, Images, and Originality

Custom images, graphics, and videos are all part of the best kind of content, so use original content and images. If your blog is about your storefront, it should include a photo of the actual storefront and not a generic photo. When you provide custom content, it brings more value to that content for both visitors and search engines. Plus, content needs images and graphics to break it up from just being a large block of written words. This improves a reader’s ability to scan your pages and stay interested visually in what you’re offering them.

Call To Action/Publication Timing

A call to action is simply a phrase that gets readers to do something. It can be “call us now,” “book your appointment today,” “order yours here,” or something similar. But it has to be clear and it has to be obvious. And when you publish content must not only be regular and should coincide with any other marketing programs you use to promote your blog posts. Everything must fall in place for it to be successful. An SEO co-writer can create a schedule where publishing and promotion are in sync.

Final Thoughts

You are busy enough trying to run your business, let alone staying current with the blog writing duties of your website. This is why writing services exist. You can hire an SEO co-writer for your blog and never have to worry again about a missed opportunity or anything else that your digital marketing program relies on. The surprising thing is that outsourcing this work is affordable and pays back great returns to your business. If you have been wondering how to push your business to the next level and have no idea how to do that, you can’t afford to not seek the assistance of a professional SEO co-writer for your blog.