Law firm sues Ghislaine Maxwell over unpaid legal fees

By Louis Goss

A Colorado law firm is suing British socialite Ghislaine Maxwell over claims she failed to pay $878,302.66 (£742,000) in legal fees.

Law firm Haddon, Morgan and Forman has filed a claim against Maxwell in a Denver district court, after acting on her behalf in the high-profile sex trial that saw her jailed for 20 years.

The Denver law firm, which describes itself as a “small” firm that employs fewer than ten full time lawyers, in court filings, claims the Maxwell family has failed to the pay majority of the $956,671 accrued in legal fees.

The lawsuit says Ghislaine’s brother, Kevin Maxwell, paid an initial $143,500 retainer fee on 13 January 2022, after Ghislaine was convicted on December 29 2021.

However, the law firm claims the Maxwell family have failed to pay the remaining sum, after claiming to have transferred the money on repeated occasions.

Maxwell, the daughter of British press baron Robert Maxwell, is currently serving her 20-year sentence in a Tallahassee, Florida prison, after being transferred to the low-security prison last month.

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