Charles Is The New King Of England After Queen Elizabeth II's Death

By BOOM Team

Charles is the new King of England after thedeath of Queen Elizabeth II on Thursday afternoon. The former Prince of Wales is now the King and became so without ceremony. Duchess of Cornwall, Camilla, will be Queen Consort.

Charles was by his mother's side at Balmoral when the announcement of the Queen's death came. One of his first statements as the next person on the British throne was to mourn the death of his mother. Charles said in a statement, "We mourn profoundly the passing of a cherished Sovereign and a much-loved Mother. I know her loss will be deeply felt throughout the country, the Realms and the Commonwealth, and by countless people around the world."

Also Read:Queen Elizabeth II, Longest Reigning Monarch Of Britain, Dies Aged 96

"The death of my beloved mother, Her Majesty, The Queen, is a moment of the greatest sadness for me and all members of my family," the statement read.

Charles is 73 years old and has waited for seven decades as the first in line to the throne. As the Queen's reign was the longest in the history of British monarchy, so was Charles' wait.

He will have to now decide what name he will take as the new monarch. If he chooses to keep Charles, he will be King Charles III.

Process of becoming king

According to the BBC Charles will be proclaimed King within the first 24 hours of Queen Elizabeth II's death in front of the Accession Council. This council includes senior members of the British Parliament, civil servants, and the mayor of London, among others.

A formal coronation will also be held when he will be formally crowned king.

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