Monarchs around the world pay tribute to Queen Elizabeth

Kings and Queens from around the world have paid tribute to the late Queen Elizabeth.

The British monarch passed away on Thursday (08.09.22) aged 96 and a number of fellow rulers have expressed their "sorrow" on behalf of their own countries and shared their "fond memories" of her.

Queen Maxima and King Willem-Alexander of the Netherlands, along with the king's mother, Princess Beatrix, said in a statement: “We feel a strong bond with the United Kingdom and its royal family, and we share their sorrow at this time. We are very grateful for our countries‘ close friendship, to which Queen Elizabeth made such an unforgettable contribution."

Belgium's King Philippe and Queen Mathilde remembered the queen as "exceptional"

They said: “We will always keep fond memories of this great lady, who throughout her reign, showed dignity, courage and devotion … The United Kingdom has lost an exceptional monarch who left a deep mark on history.”

King Felipe of Spain sent a message to the new monarch, King Charles, in which he expressed his "heartfelt condolences" and "deep" sadness.

He said: “Deeply saddened by the sorrowful news of the passing away of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, your beloved Mother, I would like to offer Your Majesty and the British people, on my behalf and on behalf of the Spanish Government and people, our most heartfelt condolences.

“Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth has undoubtedly witnessed, written and shaped many of the most relevant chapters in the history of our world during the last seven decades.

"Her sense of duty, commitment and a whole life devoted to serving the people of the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland set an example for all of us and will remain as a solid and valuable legacy for future generations.

"Queen Letizia and I send Your Majesty and the whole Family our love and prayers. You are all in our hearts and thoughts. We will miss Her dearly.”

Sweden's King Carl Gustaf reflected on how the queen had been a "constant presence" in so many people's lives.

He said: "My family and I are deeply saddened to learn of the death of my dear relative Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.

"The Queen served her countries and the Commonwealth with outstanding dedication and duty.

"She has been a constant presence, not only in British society but also internationally.

"She has always been dear to my family and a precious link in our shared family history.

"We offer our heartfelt condolences to Her Majesty’s family and her peoples."

King Abdullah of Jordan remembered an "iconic leader" who was "a partner for Jordan and a dear family friend,"

He said in a statement: "Jordan mourns the passing of an iconic leader. Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II was a beacon of wisdom and principled leadership for seven decades... We stand with the people and leadership of the UK at this difficult time."

His wife, Queen Rania, added: "With a heavy heart we bid farewell to an icon of selfless dedication and unwavering commitment, a queen who embodied the traits of a faithful and devoted sovereign.

"The reign of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II will forever be remembered. May her soul rest in eternal peace."

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