Explainer-in-brief: Another royal drama brewing for the queen’s funeral

By Elena Siniscalco

Royal drama is brewing this week – and not only in the UK. The former Spanish King has announced he’ll show up to Queen Elizabeth’s II funeral, much to the opprobrium of the Spanish government.

Juan Carlos has held the title of former King since 2014, when he abdicated after a public outcry over his marital infidelities. Perhaps at the Queen’s funeral he can sit next to some of the disgraced members of our very own royal family.

Juan Carlos’ secrets weren’t confined to affairs either. Since 2020 he has been living in self-imposed exile in Abu Dhabi to escape authorities looking to investigate his dubious finances. All charges against him have been dropped because of immunity or lack of evidence, but he was accused of money laundering and tax evasion.

The actual King is Felipe VI, Juan Carlos’ son. As it happens, he’s been invited to the funeral too. The two have largely fallen out and haven’t been seen publicly together in years. Expect fireworks.

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