Different Types of Renewable Energy Resources Explained

Renewable energy is an exciting field that’s been trending in recent years. More and more people have been interested in the phenomena, but how does it work, and what are some different renewable energy resources?

What Is It?

Renewable energy sources are sources of energy that don’t run out. They’re referenced in both solar power and hydropower. They are naturally replenishing and have a low or zero-carbon footprint. Because of this, they aren’t burning fossil fuels or leading to the emission of greenhouse gases in our atmosphere. This contributes to global warming and other ill effects. You don’t have that problem with renewable energy sources. Now that we understand renewable energy, what are the different renewable energy sources? Read on to find out more.

Solar Power

Solar power is all the rage. It’s not uncommon to see a professional solar installerinstall a panel on residential and commercial property. This is because you won’t see the sun going out anytime soon. We may not exactly be at a point where living off the grid is the standard for most people. Still, it can’t be denied that solar panels pay for themselves and provide an excellent way to receive tax incentives and raise property value over time. Overall, solar power is here to stay and will progress in many ways.

Hydro Power

Energy generated using water, or “hydropower,” is less used for residential purposes and more for commercial reasons. It’s not uncommon to see large-scale plants sustained entirely through water power, as it is a wonderful non-pollutant way of generating energy. This is a special type of renewable energy source.

Wind Turbines

Wind power is typically harnessed through wind turbines on land and at sea. Land turbines generate electricity by spinning the blades of the turbine. The turbine then converts the kinetic energy into electric energy, powering whatever source it’s plugged into. Wind turbines are used primarily for commercial projects and to help support electric grids.

In short, there are a ton of different types of renewable energy out there. If you’re residential, you’ll likely be able to find more information about solar panels than any other energy source since they usually require a lot of property. That said, any of these energy sources are fascinating and reliable. We hope we’ve piqued your interest.