Prince Nikolai 'shocked and confused' over loss of title

Prince Nikolai of Denmark has been left "shocked and confused" over his grandmother's decision to strip him of his royal title.

Queen Margrethe announced earlier this week that the four children of her second son Prince Joachim - Nikolai, 23, Felix, 20, Henrik, 13, and 10-year-old Athena - will no longer be known as princes and princess or His/Her Highness, and instead will be styled His/Her Excellency Count/Countess of Monzenat, and her grandson has expressed the unhappiness of himself and his siblings at the decision.

Nikolai said: "My whole family and I are of course very sad. We are, as my parents have also stated, in shock at this decision and at how quickly it has actually gone. I don't understand why it had to happen this way.

But asked about how the decision has affected his relationship with his grandmother, he simply told Danish newspaper Ekstra Bladet: "I don't think I need to elaborate on that."

Nikolai said he was told about the move "a little over a week ago" but he's more upset now the news has been officially announced.

He said: “As I said, we were shocked. But it is clear that it hits even harder now that it has been published."

The model's father has already expressed his unhappiness at the decision.

Joachim said: "We are all very sad. It's never fun to see your children being mistreated like that. They are being put in a situation they do not understand."

His first wife, Alexandra, Countess of Frederiksborg - who is the mother of Nikolai and Felix - was also shocked by the news, with her press secretary admitting she "can't believe why and why now".

They added in a statement to CNN: “There’s no good reason. They would lose their titles anyway when they get married one day.

“Her sons are young men so maybe they might get married in the near future so why shouldn’t it wait until that day so that the titles would disappear on a happy day?”

Joachim's spouse, Princess Marie - the mother of his youngest children - has yet to comment on the decision.

The queen has insisted removing the titles will be "good" for her grandchildren.

She said: "It is a consideration I have had for quite a long time and I think it will be good for them in their future. That is the reason."

Asked if the move was "for her grandchildren's sake", she added: "Yes, of course."

The queen insisted she "hadn't seen" any suggestions the quartet felt "ostracised", despite reports.

She said: "Well, you have to see how you ... I haven't seen it myself, I must say."

The decision does not apply to the four children of Crown Prince Frederick and his wife Crown Princess Mary, as Prince Christian, 16, Princess Isabella, 15, and 11-year-old twins Prince Vincent and Princess Josephine will continue to be part of the royal house.

Joachim's children will retain their places in the line of succession.

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