Musk angers Zelensky and top Kyiv officials with controversial war tweet

By Ilaria Grasso Macola

Elon Musk has entered into a spat with Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky and other top Kyiv officials after he posted a controversial tweet on Monday night.

The serial entrepreneur called on his 107.7 million followers to weigh in on the Ukrainian conflict.

He claimed that the war will end with the UN supervising an elections’ redo in the occupied territories of Donetsk, Luhansk, Kherson and Zaporizhzhia as well Russia maintaining total control of Crimea.

Musk also predicted that, in order for the war to be over, Ukraine needs to remain neutral and not join NATO.

“This is highly likely to be the outcome in the end – just a question of how many die before then,” he tweeted.

His remarks outraged many Kyiv officials, including Ukraine’s ambassador to Germany Andrij Melnyk, who rebutted: “The only outcome is that now no Ukrainian will ever buy your f…ing Tesla crap, so good luck to you.

“F**k off is my very diplomatic reply to you.”

Zelensky weighed in on the matter, asking his 6.6m followers to vote which Elon Musk they liked more, “the one who supports Ukraine” or “the one who supports Russia.”

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