Kanye West Claims He Received Death Threats For Wearing ‘MAGA’ Hat

Kanye West visits White House, Trump praises rapper

Kanye West said that he’s been threatened for wearing the red Trump “Make America Great Again” hat.

West told Fox News host Tucker Carlson that he was told that he was to be “green lit” if he wore the MAGA hat or the “White Lives Matter” shirt.

West explained that to be “green lit” means to be a target for physical violence.

“My so-called friends, slash handlers around me told me, like, if I said that I like Trump, that my career will be over, that my life would be over,” West told Carlson.

West has incited a social media backlash over his fondness for Trump before but this latest stunt, wearing a “White Lives Matter” shirt at Paris Fashion Week, seems to have angered many friends of his and confused fans.

West said that “as an artist, you don’t need to give an explanation.”

Jason Lee, former head of media for West, wrote his response on Instagram to West’s latest controversy.

“I love Ye as a person, and I support free speech. But this is gaslighting black people and empowering white supremacy,” Lee wrote. “Not sure if he has any friends left to tell him but this is utterly disappointing.”

Lee has made it clear he is done working with West professionally.

“I’m going to exercise free speech and say, nobody black has ever said that white lives don’t matter. But when black people do this it just screams the need for white validation,” he added.


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