DRX BeryL: "I know Rogue’s style well now, so in the second round, I’ll make sure we win."

Source: LCK Korea

On Oct. 10, in the 2022 LoL World Championship, DRX defeated GAM Esports and secured their second win in the group stage. They collected two straight wins after losing their first game against Rogue and placed themselves in second place in Group C. After the match, DRX support Cho “BeryL” Geon-hee joined Jeesun Park for an interview.

Congrats on today’s win. How do you feel about concluding the first round?

It’s a bummer that we lost a game. Since the second round is coming, we need to prepare well to show a good performance.

In today’s game, all the picks were everyone’s signature picks, including the Kindred for Pyosik. How was today’s game?

Frankly, the game was so boring for us, the bot duo, since the top side spurted ahead so much. We won thanks to them. The bot side didn’t do much.

You still had a spectacular performance on Braum yesterday. How was it?

I did whatever I could do in the game. Still, there were a few mistakes.

How did you end up picking Braum?

I thought it was a great pick considering our comp and the enemy’s comp.

It seems that all the teams are interpreting the meta differently. Some teams focus on the top side, some focus on the bot side. How about you?

I don’t really care about which lane to invest in, but I think it’s good to invest in the players that show a good return when we invest limited resources. As for the meta, I simply think the teams that do well in teamfights are advantageous.

You lost to Rogue in the first round, and you’ll have a rematch. How do you think it’ll go?

I think I know Rogue’s style well now, so in the second round, I’ll make sure we win.

After a few days' break, you’ll play in the second round. How are you going to spend your time during the break? Are you planning to rest?

Since we’re in a foreign country, we had to adapt to the jet lag and get used to the environment. This made my condition uneven, so I’ll be focusing on keeping myself in a good condition. Frankly, we don’t need that long a break.

You have some experience on international stages. What’s your secret to maintaining good condition?

Sports players — we are esports players, so I think it goes the same — are vulnerable to stress. I know that other jobs have a lot of stress too, but it’s a bit different. Since we play at Worlds in a new environment, a different country, everything around us, including food, can give us more stress. I just try not to get stressed about it.

Any last comments?

The first round is over now. Although our game against Rogue was disappointing, we’ll improve fast so we can win all three remaining games and advance as the first seed.

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