Electric Bike Mistakes You Might Be Making

E-bikes are taking the transportation world by storm. They’re portable, affordable, and eco-friendly, making them perfect vehicles for progressive riders. Electric bikes are easy to learn how to ride; however, that doesn’t mean beginners don’t commit a few faux pas every now and then.

If you don’t want to look new to the scene, there are a few habits you need to drop immediately. You might be making these electric bike mistakes and not even know it! Brush up on your e-bike practices and etiquette to assimilate into the community seamlessly.

Charging Your E-Bike Incorrectly

Electric bikes aren’t like your typical electronic device—you can’t just plug it in and hope for the best. There’s a certain way to charge your e-bike to keep the battery healthy and your vehicle in good condition.

Some common electric bike charging tips include setting a timer and opting for shallow charges. Did you know that it’s possible to overcharge your e-bike? Don’t overpower your new mode of transportation; instead, follow a regular charging routine to keep things in top shape.

Hitting the Road Without Practice

Just like electric bikes aren’t your standard gadget, they aren’t your typical bicycle, either. Just because you can ride a bike doesn’t mean you’re steady on an e-bike. Too many times, beginners hit the road without practice and end up in dangerous situations.

Don’t join heavy traffic without taking a test ride through a calmer environment. E-bikes go a lot faster than regular bicycles, which can take some time to become familiar with. As always, wear safety gear to prevent injuries, no matter how much practice you get in.

Not Using Water To Clean Your Bike

You might be making a common electric bike mistake if you don’t wash your e-bike. It’s a common misconception since electricity and water don’t usually mix well. However, you need to clean your e-bike regularly to keep dirt and debris from damaging essential components.

This isn’t to say you should douse your electric bike in water. Rather, you can take a damp rag and wipe off the exterior. Most e-bikes have insulated electrical systems that prevent water damage, so not using water will actually do more harm than good.

The good news is that the electric bike community is full of helpful people who want to see you succeed. As long as you educate yourself, you’ll be an expert rider in no time.