Britney Spears Accuses Father Of ‘Trying To Kill Her,’ Hopes He ‘Burns In Hell’

Britney Spears in Hawaii (Image: Instagram)

In a stream of tweets and one audio recording released on Monday, Britney Spears share more details regarding her traumatic experience during the 15-year conservatorship, which she just recently became independent from.

In the audio clip, Spears said that her fatherJamie Spears was “trying to kill her.”

In the multiple tweets, Spears makes it quite clear that she had little idea of why so many odd things happened to her during the conservatorship, including multiple, prolonged MRIs.

“I had three MRIs before I went to that place, I wasn’t complaining about anything, I was just told I had to go, it was my dad and I had no rights at the time, so I basically had to,” Spears tweeted.

The frequency of these MRIs and the lengthy time they took confused the pop star.

“To me, the whole thing didn’t make sense – the isolation, the nurses, the vials of blood, the constant communication,” she said.

Her first MRI was apparently to check for a cyst at the age of eight, and she became convinced that her family was hiding a possible cancer diagnosis from her.

“And the conclusion, the hardest thing is to know that they were just being mean and that I really felt like my dad was trying to kill me and I hope he burns in f***ng hell,” she wrote.

Spears called for justice from the courts that released her from the conservatorship.

“I was talked to abusively and punished for no reason at all … I believe in consequences … I believe I have absolutely nothing to prove on the whereabouts of what was done to me … it is all known!!! With that being said, people who have mistreated me on that kind of scale just ending the system is not good enough for me … They hurt me and I did absolutely nothing wrong,” she said.

Spears went into detail about how she feels her father should be punished.

“My wish is to take my father to a place … take his car away … his home away … his door to privacy away … sit him down 7 days a week from 8 am to 6 pm being asked questions and people treating him like a science experience … monitoring his food … no phone … nurses watch him shower and dress … I want him to go all through those things with no f–king reason at all and have him call his family and they say WE DON’T KNOW!!!”

Spears next tweeted, “I’d like to see the state of California sit back and have 4 security men at a trailer house for months telling him he can’t ever leave!!! I’d like to see how he would feel … but see, that will never happen!!!”

Spears has spent much of the last few months posting dancing videos and nude selfies on social media.


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