Michael Cohen Says He Would Fear For His Safety If Trump Wins In 2024

Michael Cohen (Image: Getty)

Former Trump attorney Michael Cohen said last week that he would be concerned for his safety if former President Donald Trump were reelected.

“Actually, I’m worried for your safety, too,” he said, “and everybody else in America.”

Cohen elaborated on why he’s fearful in a separate interview with ITK.

“My fear is that you’re going to see like what you see in Russia right now,” he said. “All of these individuals flying out of windows or mysterious deaths of suicide. Donald has a very long list of — we’ll call it an enemies list — and I’m certain that I am definitively on it.”

Cohen went on to reveal that though he has never identified as a Republican, he still receives 15 to 20 fundraising emails per day.

Cohen worked for Trump for over 10 years before becoming one of his most vocal critics and predicts that Trump will be indicted for some of the many things he is currently under investigation for.

“I believe that the indictments should be — because it’s the low-hanging fruit — for tax evasion,” he said. “I call that my ‘Al Capone theory’: They couldn’t get him on murder, racketeering, extortion. So instead they got him on tax evasion. The same thing that they can get Donald on, not to mention [New York Attorney General] Tish James’s case will financially destroy him.”

Cohen’s book, Revenge: How Donald Trump Weaponized the U.S. Department Of Justice Against His Critics, was released last week.


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