Starmer slams ‘ridiculous, chaotic circus’ that is Tory leadership race

By Stefan Boscia

Sir Keir Starmer has hit out at the “ridiculous, chaotic circus” that is the Conservative leadership race as he called again for a General Election.

The Labour leader said Brits were “fed up to the back teeth” with the near constant pyschodrama gripping the Tory party as he warned of the worsening effects of the cost of living crisis.

“My focus is on the millions of people who are struggling to pay their bills, have now got additional anxieties about their mortgage. I know what it feels like not to be able to pay your bills, that happened to me and my family when I was growing up,” he told the BBC.

Labour is now leading the Tories in every major poll by more than 21 points, with YouGov’s latest survey giving Starmer’s party a record 37-point lead.

These numbers would translate into an historic landslide for Labour.

Starmer is trying to now frame Labour as the party of sound money, however he refused to be drawn today on whether he would be willing to support spending cuts to bring down the UK’s ballooning debt pile.

“We don’t know the extent of the damage,” he said.

“I know an incoming Labour government is going to inherit an economic mess from this government- economic damage. Therefore there are things we would like to do, good Labour things as I’ve described them, that we will not be able to do.”

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