Common Industrial Water Pump Applications

Industrial water pumps work to transport fluids and gases around a facility. You can find them in countless industries and commercial businesses, many of which aren’t industrial in nature. These machines require specialized knowledge to operate correctly.

Whether you’re looking to start a business that may need this equipment or are simply curious about heavy machinery, we’ve got you covered. Discover some common industrial water pump applications you might not have known before!

Food and Beverage Businesses

It might surprise people to learn that industrial pumps are common in the food and beverage industry. Processing and manufacturing plants use pumps to move liquids throughout different departments. They may also use them to transport, mix, and temp substances like gelatin and dairy products with dry ingredients on a larger scale.

Facilities handling carbonated beverages will also use industrial water pumps to invigorate liquids with CO2. Sodas, sparking wines, and other drinks need this machinery for that “bubbly” effect.

Amusement Parks

Did you know amusement parks use water pumps and other industrial pump equipment? You’ll find this equipment on water rides that need tons of H2O to move cars and create an interactive experience. Waterslides may also use industrial pumps to create slick surfaces for park attendees.

Amusement park rides literally hold human life. As such, safety and proper maintenance should be every amusement park manager’s top priority. You should always fix your water pump professionally instead of taking the repairs on yourself.

Water Treatment Facilities

Another common application for industrial water pumps is in water treatment facilities. Dirty water travels through these plants via pumps and undergoes a cleaning process. This way, communities can rest easy knowing they have fresh water to drink and bathe in.

You’ll find different kinds of industrial water pumps in water treatment facilities. Diaphragm pumps use hydraulic technology to get water where it needs to go. On the other hand, centrifugal pumps spin to expel water in its proper location.

These are just a few examples of the many uses for industrial water pumps. Even though people don’t see these machines in action, they provide a valuable service for countless industries.