Elon Musk: No Change To The Way Tweets Are Moderated Yet

The new owner of Twitter, Elon Musk, has announced that content moderation rules will remain the same on the social platform for the time being.

“To be super clear, we have not yet made any changes to Twitter’s content moderation policies,” tweeted Elon.

He said he is forming a content moderation council with widely diverse viewpoints to rule on the way tweets are moderated.

“Twitter will be forming a content moderation council with widely diverse viewpoints. No major content decisions or account reinstatements will happen before that council convenes,” he announced.

Daughter of Jordan Peterson has asked Musk if he can bring back her father on Twitter.

“Anyone suspended for minor and dubious reasons will be freed from Twitter jail,” responded. Musk.

When it comes to Ye West’s account, Musk said that he had no role in it.

“Ye’s account was restored by Twitter before the acquisition. They did not consult with or inform me,” he reveled.

Former President Trump congratulated Elon Musk on completing his $44 billion Twitter takeover but said that he wouldn’t be leaving TRUTHSocial for Twitter. Trump will likely be present on both platforms if his account gets restored.