Why esports and casino betting have grown in tandem

Thanks to a recent wave of high-profile steamers showing off casino gaming on Twitch, digital slots, and card games have become more popular than ever before. However, the very same streaming platforms that spurred this gambling wave also gave the esports industry an early platform. In recent years. Sportsbooks have constantly tried to attract younger bettors with esports match bets and props. From an oddsmaker’s perspective, the two distinct betting categories seemed to appear out of nowhere to take the world by storm.

But what is the truth about the relationship between casino gaming and esports? Are they both passing fads or signs of what the gambling industry will look like in the future?

Casino gaming and esports appeal to a new crowd

The biggest reason that digital casinos and esports betting have risen in tandem is that they both appeal to a younger audience than most bookies are used to. The average sports bettor has gotten older and more difficult to attract, as they are more likely to stick to a certain site. New esports and casino bettors, however, have no such loyalty. This makes both crowds valuable audiences for sites.

It’s also important to note that both slots and esports have existing ties to the streaming industry. Before Twitch rewrote the rules to get rid of it, digital casino gambling was briefly one of the most popular categories on the site. Esports has maintained popularity for years, with millions of viewers during peak tournament seasons.

However, this understanding of technology is a double-edged sword for bookies. Younger gamblers are more likely to use online resources like Sister Sites and other affiliate sites to compare odds, bonuses, and payout methods. With more information available, it’s more important than ever for online gambling sites to stay on the cutting edge.

Are esports fans even interested in digital casinos?

While related, it’s important to note that there are still major differences between fans of digital casinos and esports.

Both involve playing games, but the two groups have entirely different motivations. Esports fans think very similarly to traditional sports fans in that they often have favorite teams, preferred players, personal storylines, and matchup history on their minds. Esports betting opportunities are also only available so often, so for many, it operates as a way to spice up something they were already planning to watch.

Casino gamers, however, only have extrinsic rewards to consider. A slot machine or digital roulette wheel is also available on demand whenever the gambler wants to play. In the case of mobile gaming, gambling opportunities are available anywhere at any time.

With those differences in mind, there is still overlap between the two groups of gamblers. Many of them were introduced to both types of gambling through streaming, and esports betting and casino games are different enough that many players of one are willing to dip their toes into the other. Esports fans are usually avid gamers themselves, so having interactive elements appeals to them more than lottery tickets.

Technology is everything for both types of betting

Casino gaming and esports helped to sustain and revive the gambling industry, especially in recent years when traditional sports betting opportunities were scarce. As a result, many betting sites have dumped considerable research and development into improving their gaming options.

Casino games and esports betting are both uniquely suited to online gambling. Digital casino games remove the bulky and location-specific slot machine for a sleeker interface with intelligent digital design. Provably fair games are a must, and with all information online, visible licenses have become a mandate across betting sites.

As for esports, the industry’s quirks require tech-savvy bookies to keep up with it. On fast tournament days, matchups can be decided just an hour before it goes live. Bookmakers need to tabulate odds faster than ever before and get lines out in a matter of minutes. The digitally set-in-stone rulebooks also make live betting easier to run compared to traditional sports.

The technology also goes beyond the games themselves. With the rise of cryptocurrency, crypto deposit and withdrawal options have become an absolute necessity to attract younger gamblers. Mobile options are also a huge pull, arguably greater than whatever casino games are up for offer.

Esports and digital casinos have breathed new life into the once-struggling gambling industry, as it has opened up brand new audiences that had no interest in old-fashion betting. They have also pushed betting sites to improve their technology, which benefits everyone who uses those sites. While they have major differences in audience and motivation, both esports match betting and online casinos are definitely here to stay.

The post Why esports and casino betting have grown in tandem appeared first on WIN.gg.

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