How To Prepare Your Skid Steer for the Winter

As fall slowly gives way to the cold winter months, it’s crucial that you take some time to prepare your equipment for the change. Heavy skid steer equipment can be particularly sensitive to frost and snow if you don’t properly prepare them, making it impossible for them to function how you need. As such, taking the time to make the necessary adjustments can go a long way in maintaining your productivity year-round. Here, we’ll dive into how to prepare your skid steer for the winter and some key things to be on the lookout for during the process.

Switch to Synthetic Hydraulic Oil

Skid steers use hydraulic fluid to generate their lifting power, making it a core part of your machine’s performance. However, standard hydraulic oil can gel when exposed to cold, making it harder for the system to work properly. Draining this oil and refilling it with a synthetic alternative will help prevent this solidification and keep your skid steer’s hydraulic parts operating correctly. This step will also help minimize potential damage to these parts during winter.

Top Off Your Engine Coolant

You’ll also want to top off your engine’s coolant level before the temperatures drop below freezing. While your engine won’t need any cooling throughout winter, your oil and fuel will need protection from freezing. Antifreeze is excellent for preventing gelling in the engine and keeping the system running correctly. Routinely check your skid steer’s coolant level and add more to ensure you’re prepared for any sudden storm.

Change Your Tracks

Another crucial step in preparing your skid steer for the winter months is changing your machine’s tracks. Like tires, tracks have different designs and tread patterns to provide optimal traction in varying weather conditions. As such, the tracks that worked for you in the summer won’t be as effective when the first snowfall hits. Look for quality skid steer tracks with maximized ground contact. This way, you’ll be able to increase traction and prevent tragic accidents on slippery surfaces.

Test Your Cab Heater

If you’re going to use your skid steer during winter, you need to make sure that you’re comfortable as well. Sufficient cabin heating is essential to keeping you safe from common winter injuries like frostbite. They also increase the amount of time you can comfortably work outdoors. Take some time to run your heater and inspect it for damage. This way, you can make necessary repairs before a major temperature change.

Even seemingly minor maintenance tasks can greatly impact your skid steer’s performance once winter arrives. So, don’t wait another day. Check these essential preparations off your to-do list and ensure you’re ready for anything.