Trudeau to Attend ASEAN, G20, and APEC Summits No region of the world will have more of an impact on Canada’s future in the next half-century than the Indo-Pacific, according to the release.

JAKARTA, \- Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has confirmed his attendance at the ASEAN Summit in Cambodia, G20 Summit in Indonesia, and Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Economic Leaders' Meeting in Thailand.

During his meetings in Asia, Trudeau will demonstrate Canada’s strong partnership in helping to grow the global economy to benefit people on both sides of the Pacific, the office of the Prime Minister of Canada said on its official website on Thursday, Nov. 3.

No region of the world will have more of an impact on Canada’s future in the next half-century than the Indo-Pacific, according to the release.

"When the world works together on shared challenges, we make life better for people. I look forward to meeting with global leaders, including my counterparts from the Indo-Pacific region, to continue creating jobs and driving economic growth that benefits everyone," the website quoted Trudeau.

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At the ASEAN Summit on Nov. 12-13, the Prime Minister will address regional and global challenges with his counterparts in the ASEAN and the broader Indo-Pacific region.

He will participate in the ASEAN-Canada Commemorative Summit to mark the 45th anniversary of ASEAN-Canada dialogue relations.

Under the ASEAN Summit’s theme of "Addressing Challenges Together," he will promote regional peace and stability, rules-based trade, economic growth that benefits everyone, and strong ties between people.

"As people around the world feel the impacts of challenges, such as inflation, food insecurity, and supply chain shortages, we must work together to drive solutions and make life better and more affordable," Trudeau said.

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At the G20 Summit on Nov.15-16, the Canadian prime minister will work with partners to advance shared priorities under this year’s theme of "Recover Together, Recover Stronger," including solutions to food and energy insecurity, climate change, and health.

At the APEC Economic Leaders’ Meeting on Nov. 18 under the theme of "Open. Connect. Balance," Trudeau will reaffirm Canada’s commitment to opening economic cooperation and removing trade barriers in the Indo-Pacific region to benefit people on both sides of the Pacific.

During his trip, Trudeau will highlight the importance of working with allies and partners to support Ukraine and other countries most affected by the impacts of the war.
Trudeau will then participate in the 18th Summit of La Francophonie on Nov. 19-20 in Djerba, Tunisia.

Source: State News Antara

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