Biden At Congressman Levin Rally: I don't know what in the hell they're going to impeach me for

Last night President campaigned in Oceanside for Congressman Mike Levin (CA-49) in front of more than a thousand people packed into the gym. The nation’s flag was displayed above the stage, with a crowd of supporters in front with signs. Pre-rally music included all-time classics, the Eagles’ “Take it Easy,” Tom Petty’s “Won’t Back Down,” and Fleetwood Mac’s “Don’t Stop.”

Before Congressman Levin took the stage, the crowd began chanting “vote for Mike” and “we love Mike.” The biggest applause came when Levin said people don’t want a second term for Donald Trump and that Congress should codify “a woman’s right to choose.”

President Biden began speaking at 7:55 pm.

He lauded bills like the ARP, IRA, the gun bill, and the infrastructure act and focused his speech on issues like medical care, the climate, student debt, and manufacturing.

After a shouted question from an audience member, the president mentioned that “we’re going to free Iran” and that Iran would “free themselves pretty soon.”

After speaking directly to a young crowd member whose sign said he couldn’t read because of the small print, the president started talking about his struggle with a stutter.

“Sounds funny, but guess what: It makes you feel like an idiot.” Soon after, he shared with conviction that things like that “cannot and “will not” define a person. He connected that line of thought to the need for more “mental assistance” after the coronavirus pandemic.

Biden spoke about veterans’ mental health challenges for the first time, saying his administration is working on that with the VA. He referenced his late son Beau and the burn pits bill as well.

Bien also made a few usual digs at Republicans. There were boos after a reference to Marjorie Taylor Greene for mentioning the possibility a Republican congress could impeach him. Biden joked, “I don’t know what in the hell they’re going to impeach me for.”