How electric microwave boilers could soon provide an alternative to gas for heating

By Courtesy of Heat Wayv

A British startup called Heat Wayv is developing a range of microwave-powered electric boiler systems to replace conventional gas-powered models, which are due to be phased out.

A British startup called Heat Wayv is developing a range of microwave-powered electric boiler systems to replace conventional gas-powered models, which are due to be phased out.

This microwave boiler is a world first. On paper, it works on exactly the same principles as traditional microwave ovens. In other words, high-frequency electromagnetic radiation heats the water before sending it through the pipes to the radiators and the various taps in the house. Powered exclusively by electricity, it is billed as an environmentally-friendly alternative to gas-powered systems.

According to Heat Wayv, this solution can be installed in the same place as current boilers and requires almost no maintenance. It is still at the prototype stage, but Heat Wayv hopes to distribute its first models by 2024, with two capacities already planned depending on the size of the dwellings. While the manufacturer assures that the product does not emit CO2, it will be necessary to use "green" electricity in order to consider it a truly carbon-neutral system.

As part of the wider ecological transition, gas boilers are due to be phased out, initially in new homes before being gradually replaced everywhere else. However, the price of electricity could dampen the enthusiasm of all those tempted by this solution. Still, by making the boiler "smart" with connectivity, it will be possible for users to stop it, remotely, at certain times of the day in order to save money. But, beyond the technological prowess of this solution, the microwave boiler is not yet ready to be installed in everyone's homes.

© Agence France-Presse