What Makes Aluminum Such a Popular Metal?

Aluminum is one of the most useful metals on the planet, with abilities that many others lack. While it can be used for more generic materials, it also has the potential to do the heavy lifting of its counterparts, iron and steel. This versatility is what makes aluminum such a popular metal.


The electronics industry uses more aluminum than any other industry. That’s because more people use electronics for things as we have become more technological.

Lithium batteries take up the bulk of our aluminum resources as they can charge most electronics. Many devices even have them built in now so they can be recharged repeatedly.

Spacecraft and Aircraft

Aluminum is ideal for spacecraft and aircraft as it is highly durable, corrosion-resistant, and lightweight. Adding heavier components to the structure of these crafts would weigh them down and make flight harder, if not impossible. Instead, aluminum allows heavy-duty, high-tensile-strength vessels to fly and even travel into space.

Cargo Ships

Aside from the lightweight benefit, aluminum has a huge load capacity. Ships with aluminum in their hulls can carry more cargo, and water will not compromise their structure. One of the benefits of using multi-layered aluminum panels is that the panels become some of the strongest materials you can work with.

Window Frames

Aluminum is also a great resource for making weather-resistant windows. They are durable and affordable because raw aluminum is abundant in the world. What makes it even better for window frames is that the material is also light and durable, making aluminum perfect for windows.


Believe it or not, many of our production vehicles have aluminum frames. The material’s high tensile strength and light weight make it perfect for car bodies.

Aluminum frames are ideal for crash safety because of all the testing they undergo. Aluminum frames also help increase fuel performance as they don’t weigh down the vehicle as much.

With its versatility and raw ability, it’s easy to see what makes aluminum such a popular metal and why it is a great alternative to heavier metals and plastics.