English translation of verses of Shiekh Noor-U-Din (RA) released

The Newscraving Desk

Srinagar, November 30: Eminent poet and writer Dr. Gazanfar Ali’s one more book “The Rise ” comprising English translation of the verses of revered Sufi Saint Shiekh Noor-UD-Din Wali (RA) was released at an impressive function held at Tagore Hall , Srinagar on Wednesday . The function was co- related with the 16th death anniversary of noted educationist and former Minister late Abdul Qayoom . The function was organised by Kashmir Markaz Adab- w- Saqafat , Chrarisharief , in collaboration with Ab. Qyoom Memorial Trust.

Justice ( rtd) B.A. Kirmani was the chief guest . Prof Bashr Bashir and President Adbi Markaz Kamraz .Mohd Amin Bhat .shared the presidium . A galaxy of eminent writers ,scholars, poets and prominent members of the civil society including Commissioner Secretary Muneer ul Islam , Justice Nazir Fida , Dr Farooq Kaloo , former Director Animal Husbandry , Dr Abdul Wahid , Shabir Mujahid ex- Director Door Darshan Srinagar attended the function .

On this occasion , Qyoom memorial award for this year was presented to Romeesa Rahim , a brilliant student of Govt. Model Degree College ,Chrar-i -Sharief .

Justice Kirmani while delivering his presidential address urged the need for preserving Kashmir’s rich culture and heritage , which was the hallmark of our composite ethos. He said Shiekhul Aalam was a great socio cultural activist who tirelessly worked for transformation of the society through his Reshi movement.

Profesor Bashar Bashir urged the need for mutual understanding and discourse among research scholarsto authenticate genesis of the verses of Shiekh Noor Din .

Dr Gazanfar Ali ,in his welcome address, underscored the need for translating verses of Shaikh Noorud Din (RA ) in other languages for spreading his message and mission of humanity at the global platform. He said providing audio book on the English translation of the verses of Hazrat Shiekh Noor Din Wali (RA) ” to various schools will be his mission to enable young generation the philosophy of Rishism and different dimensions of this Sufi saint of highest order. He said e – version of ” The Rise” will be made available on Amazon website.

Mushtaq Mehram presented thought provoking paper on the book and congratulated Dr Gazanfar for bringing his another book ” The Rise” to enrich Kashmiri culture ,language and literature .

Inayat Gul ,General Secretary of KMAS conducted proceedings of the event in his peculiar tune and style .
