Two Rafflesia Flowers in Full Bloom in Indonesia’s South Bengkulu "One of the Rafflesia flowers today has started to blacken, but the other flower will remain in good condition until tomorrow."

BENGKULU, \- Two Rafflesia arnoldii flowers have been in full bloom in a plot of land that belongs to a villager in Ulu Manna sub-district, South Bengkulu district, Bengkulu province, since Sept. 27.

They are expected to remain in full bloom until Thursday, Dec. 1, according to Yogi, a coordinator at the South Bengkulu Rare Flower Caring Community (KPPL) on Wednesday, Nov. 30.

"One of the Rafflesia flowers today has started to blacken, but the other flower will remain in good condition until tomorrow," he said.

Also read: Two Rare Rafflesia Flowers in Bloom At A Forest in Bengkulu, Indonesia

People wanting to see the flowers can go directly to the location by following the rules in the field, he added.

To reach the location where the Rafflesia arnoldii flowers are blooming, visitors will have to pass through residents' corn fields, he said.

"Visitors need to be careful when arriving at the location because they could accidentally step on the heads of the Rafflesia flowers," he explained.

"For people who want to see us, we welcome them, but they have to be careful when they are at the location," he said.

Visitors can ask the South Bengkulu KPPL and the local community to guide them to the location of the Rafflesia arnoldii flowers, which is about 150 meters from the main road in Ulu Manna, South Bengkulu.

Yogi said he hopes that visitors will help support efforts to preserve the giant flower's habitat.

Source: State News Antara

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