Biden's schedule for December 1, 2022 is out

Today President Biden and Jill Biden will welcome French President Emmanuel Macron and Mrs. Brigitte Macron for a state visit to the U.S. It is the first state visit of Biden’s presidency. The president has a packed schedule. It includes an arrival ceremony, bilateral meeting, joint press conference, and state dinner.

This will be President Macron’s second state visit to the U.S. as France’s leader. President Donald Trump hosted him in April 2018, his first state dinner as U.S. president. The White House Historical Association has this list of past state dinners with French leaders.

The exterior of the White House is decorated for the holidays. It is chilly and cloudy. The Brady Press Briefing Room is packed with journalists. Below is the schedule for the day.


8:00 AM President Biden receives the Presidential Daily Briefing

9:00 AM President Biden and First Lady greet President Emmanuel Macron and Mrs. Brigitte Macron of France for the Official Arrival Ceremony

10:00 AM President Biden holds a bilateral meeting with President Emmanuel Macron of France

11:45 AM President Biden hosts a joint press conference with President Emmanuel Macron of France

7:00 PM President Biden and First Lady greet President Emmanuel Macron and Mrs. Brigitte Macron of France on arrival for the State Dinner

7:30 PM President Biden and First Lady participate in a photo opportunity with President Emmanuel Macron and Mrs. Brigitte Macron of France at the Grand Staircase on the occasion of the State Dinner

8:50 PM President Biden and First Lady host President Emmanuel Macron and Mrs. Brigitte Macron of France for a State Dinner