Why Construction Workers Need To Protect Their Hands

Working in construction is no easy task. It requires physical strength, endurance, and an understanding of the many tools and materials used in the trade. But hand protection is one of the most important safety elements in construction.

Without it, workers can suffer serious injuries that could affect their ability to do their job. Let’s examine why construction workers need to protect their hands and how they can do so.

The Dangers of Not Protecting Your Hands

Most workplace injuries occur to hands and fingers, resulting in more than 1 million days lost from work each year—and that’s just in the US alone! Without proper hand protection, construction workers are exposed to all sorts of hazards daily on the job site, such as sharp objects and tools, hazardous materials like solvents and acids, extreme temperatures, heavy machinery, and more. These dangers can result in cuts, abrasions, burns, or even amputation if not handled properly.

What Kind of Hand Protection Should Be Used?

Construction workers should wear gloves that provide adequate protection for the job they are doing. Different types of gloves are available for various tasks; some offer greater protection against cuts, while others are better suited for gripping or handling hot objects.

It’s important to choose the right kind of glove for each task. For example, leather or metal mesh gloves are best suited for working with sharp objects. In contrast, cotton-lined rubber gloves may be better suited for working with chemicals or solvents that could cause skin irritation or allergic reactions.

Additionally, you should replace gloves periodically if they become damaged or worn out. Knowing what jobs require cut-resistant work gloves or chemical-resistant work gloves can help protect hands from serious injury.

Other Safety Tips

In addition to wearing the right kind of glove for each task, it’s also important to use other protective measures, such as goggles or face shields, when working with power tools or heavy machinery.

This protection helps keep the eyes safe from flying debris and provides additional protection from dust and dirt particles that can irritate the skin and cause harm over time if left unchecked.

Protecting your hands is essential when you work in construction—it’s not something you want to take lightly! Choosing the appropriate gloves for each task, regularly replacing them, and taking additional safety measures will keep your hands safe while reducing your risk of injury on the job site. Hand protection should always be a priority for staying safe on any construction project!