Iris Law decided not to stick with her shaven headed look

Iris Law decided not to stick with her shaven-headed look.

The 22-year-old model shaved off her dark locks in 2021 for her role in 'Pistol' and thought she was going to keep up with the look a lot longer than she did but is now enjoying the novelty of choosing different styles after it has grown back.

She said: "[My blonde pixie crop] a better representation of how I want to express myself. I thought I was going to stay shaved for a really long time and then it naturally started growing and now I love that I can play around with it. I've never bleached it before and it's very stressful; it breaks even though my hair is short."

Meanwhile, the 'I've Been Trying To Tell You' actress - who is the daughter of Jude Law and Sadie Frost - went on explain that she started wearing makeup in an effort to combat her acne struggles and now prefers to do a "five-minute" routine complete with red lipstick like her mother.

She told Harper's Bazaar: "My mum always wore red lipstick. That was my first insight into make-up. I’m the same. I do my make-up in five minutes every time. I got brought into the make-up world in a way of concealing and hiding my acne. and so now that my acne has cleared up, I just try and really have fun with it. Makeup shouldn't be change your face or make yourself look a certain way. It should be more of an accessory."

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