Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky’s ‘more missiles’ plea to Joe Biden

Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky pleaded with US President Joe Biden for more missiles during what is thought to be his first trip outside his war-ravaged nation since Russian leader Vladimir Putin’s invasion 300 days ago.

He asked for increased help on Wednesday (21.12.22) on a visit to the White House.

Zelensky said during a joint press conference with Biden: “What is going to happen after the patriots are installed? After that, we will send another signal to President Biden that we would like to get more patriots.

When the audience in the room laughed, former comic Zelensky said in English with a shrug: “We are in a war.”

And as Biden chuckled at the direct request, Zelensky added: “I’m sorry. I’m really sorry.”

Biden told him: “We’re working on it” and promised Zelensky America will “stay with you” against Putin’s barbarism.

It came amid reports Ukraine is being sent a $2 billion war chest by Biden, including one of America’s most advanced air defence systems.

The US has so far provided Kyiv with $19.3 billion in military assistance against Russia.

America’s Patriot Air Defence System being handed to Ukraine is considered to be one of the most advanced air defence systems in Biden’s arsenal and offers protection against aircraft, cruise and ballistic missiles.

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