Shania Twain, 57, Goes Topless On New Single Cover Art To Champion Body Positivity

Shania Twain goes topless on new cover art (Image: Instagram)

Shania Twain, 57, posed topless for the cover of her latest single “Waking Up Dreaming.” 

“This is me expressing my truth. I’m comfortable in my own skin, and this is the way I am sharing that confidence,” Twain told People. “I think the best fashion is confidence, and whatever you wear — if you’re wearing it with that, it’s fashionable. I am a woman in my late 50s, and I don’t need to hide behind the clothes. I can’t even tell you how good it felt to do nude shooting. I was just so unashamed of my new body, you know, as a woman that is well into my menopause. It’s really liberating.”

Twain is championing body positivity on her new album, Queen of Me, which is set to be released on February 3, 2023. 


From the beginning of her career, the singer-songwriter has dealt with body image. In her debut 1993 music video for “What Made You Say That,” she went braless and bared her midriff. 

Twain said that as she grew older, she started feeling the pressure to cover her body more. 

Twain also wants to help other women embrace their own bodies. “I want other women that are aging or any women… even if you’re 12 and you’re developing, you shouldn’t feel like you need to hide behind your fear or your self-conscious shield,” she said,


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