VCT Masters 2023 reveals schedule and location

The schedule and location have been announced for VCT Masters 2023, with Valorant’s international competition heading to Tokyo, Japan next year.

The stucture of competitive Valorant has changed dramatically over the past year, with developer Riot Games opting to implement an officially-sanctioned set of three leagues, each with 10 officially partnered teams.

Here’s everything we know about the schedule and location for VCT Masters 2023 as of the moment.

Schedule and location for VCT Masters 2023 announced

Riot Games announced the location for VCT Masters 2023 at the ONE Pro invitational, the location for VCT Masters 2023 will be Tokyo, Japan. The dates for the international Valorant competition haven’t yet been officially confirmed, but it can be assumed that the event will take place some time in the summer, likely in June or July.

The Japanese fans in attendance seemed elated at the prospect of international Valorant coming to their country. This will be the first international event in the new partnered Valorant program and it has a high bar to live up to, considering the production quality of major events by Riot Games before the multi-million partnership model was set up.

This will be the second international event held in Asia, with two previous years’ international events happening in Iceland due to travel concerns. This next Masters event has significant promise, given that it will be the first Masters event in the new system in a very Valorant-attentive region with in-person crowds.

Each of VCT’s representatives will send their three best-performing teams to the international slug fest, with non-partnered teams taking part in the LOCK//IN event in Brazil for one final slot. The idea of promotion and relegation is something Riot Games has flirted with in their other enormous esport, having recently returned it in part to the LCS’ sister team league.

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