Busloads Of Migrants Brought To Vice President’s Residence On Christmas Eve

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) (Image: Getty)

In historically cold weather, multiple busloads of migrants were sent to Vice President Kamala Harris’ doorstep on Christmas eve. The busses dropped off dozens of families – including children – in the below-freezing weather.

Three busloads containing around 140 people arrived in D.C. on Saturday, according to local affiliate ABC 7. They were sent at the behest of Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R).

The migrants were later brought to a local church by Migrant Solidarity Mutual Aid Network, a local group, and received warm food and temporary shelter.

“Tonight, on Christmas Eve, Gov Abbott’s buses dropped off migrants at the VP’s house in the freezing cold,” the group wrote on Twitter. “This is not new, it has been happening for 8 months.”

“Most folks are coming with what they can carry,” aid member Bianca Vasquez told First Coast News. “They are arriving without adequate clothing for the cold weather.”

“The goal is really to dump people in a place where it will make a big political impact… The cruelty is the point.”

The Texas Governor has claimed responsibility for the move. He has been sending groups of migrants to Democrat-run cities to highlight his displeasure with President Joe Biden‘s border policies. He defended transporting the migrants, claiming they all signed voluntary waivers. He has pointed to Texas’ overpopulated migrant centers to justify his actions.

“Texas is having to step up and take extraordinary efforts that have never been undertaken by any state in the history of the United States to secure our border,” Abbott said in a press release.

The White House responded, calling the move “shameful.”

“Governor Abbott abandoned children on the side of the road in below-freezing temperatures on Christmas Eve without coordinating with any Federal or local authorities. This was a cruel, dangerous, and shameful stunt,” Abdullah Hasan, the White House deputy press secretary, said in a statement.

Last Monday, Supreme Court extended Title 42, a Trump-era policy that allows border patrol agencies to halt border crossings as a health and safety measure.


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