Ken Block was a pioneer in the motorsports world and ignited an undying spirit of enthusiasm for having fun with cars. His untimely death on Monday, January 2nd has rippled through the automotive community, leaving it with a cultural vacuum that only Block was able to create. He was bold, daring, and carried a style all his own. To pay respects, Ford recently tweeted a short and sweet tribute that shares a culmination of his life’s work.

Ford’s tweet, although only 50-seconds long, showcases Ken Block in all types of Ford vehicles including a Ford GT, a Ford Fusion rally car, a Hoonicorn F-150, and arguably the most famous, the Hoonicorn Mustang. Block was a shoe tycoon, building DC Shoes up to its popular household skateboard brand before becoming engulfed in the rally car world and Hoonigan brand. The tribute focuses on Ford’s relationship with Block however.

Ford’s words are that Ken was an “automotive legend.” There is truth to that as Block won multiple X-game rally cross events, became Rally America rookie of the year in 2005, and was the very first American to run in the World Rally Championship according to the Los Angeles Times. Block is survived by his wife and three children, one of which he made his final tweet about teasing an upcoming YouTube video on his channel which has millions of subscribers.

Speaking of YouTube, his GymKahana series, which arguably started it all, is still being honored today with one of the most recent videos showcasing fellow Hoonigan and rally racer Travis Pastrana tearing up the sunshine state. Some of Ken Block’s works on YouTube also include shredding up London with “Friends” star Matt Leblanc, and climbing China’s most dangerous road, Tinamen Mountain with a 914 horsepower F-150. His legacy, without question, is continuing to live on.

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