Iris Law, Jude Law’s Daughter, Criticized For ‘Endangering’ Baby Turtles During Beach Trip

Iris Law criticized for picking up baby turtles (Image: Instagram)

Iris Law, the daughter of Jude Law, has been lambasted by her followers for sharing pictures of herself on Instagram picking up baby turtles during her beach vacation.

Many of the 21-year-old model’s fans told her to stop while others blamed her for “endangering” and “disorienting” the turtles for a photo opportunity.


One follower wrote: “Love the shots but please never pick up a sea turtle it is beyond disruptive as so few survive. Trust me.”

Another commented: “Oh no it’s not ok to touch the baby turtle their shell are so sensitive at that age and you can transmit them diseases.”

According to the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, interfering with baby sea turtles as they crawl from their nests to the water can disorient them and lead them to instead travel away from the water. The organization also says that in order to help, beaches must be kept dark at night and furniture and trash must be cleared from their path.


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