Trump urges Facebook to reinstate his account as he gears up for 2024 run

Donald Trump has urged Meta to grant him access to Facebook once again as he allegedly attempts to intensify his 2024 US presidential campaign, as reported by the Guardian. More than two years ago, the former US president was banned from Facebook after some of his supporters attempted to prevent the certification of Joe Biden’s win in the 2020 presidential election by attacking the US Capitol.

In a letter to Meta obtained by NBC News on Wednesday, Trump’s advisors said that the ban “dramatically distorted and inhibited the public discourse” and should be repealed.

Meta stated that it will “announce a decision in the coming weeks.”

Trump was banned from Facebook and Twitter a day after the attack on January 6, 2021—which has been connected to nine deaths, including police officer suicides

Trump urged his supporters to congregate near the Capitol using his Twitter account. Before the assault, he urged supporters to “fight like hell” in a speech. He later criticized his vice president, Mike Pence, on Twitter for continuing certification while the assault was ongoing.

Trump’s account was reinstated on Twitter when Elon Musk acquired it last year. However, Trump has chosen to stick with the competing social media platform, Truth Social, and has not tweeted since.

Trump has roughly 88 million followers on Twitter and 34 million followers on Facebook, respectively. He has fewer than 5 million followers on Truth Social.

Throughout his term in office and during his presidential campaign in 2016, Trump made extensive use of Twitter and Facebook.