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      <strong> Chapter 1</strong>
  <strong><span class="has-inline-color has-vivid-red-color"> I'll be Right There</span></strong>


There are many destinations you can get to in life. I traveled very specific well planned routes to get to where I was going
If I were to say something as cliche as ” its the path not the destination” or maybe “sometimes its how you get there not where you are going”
then I wouldn’t be lying the one thing I can say for sure is I got there on a greyhound.

I couldn’t wait to see her I was excited as I had ever been even though the circumstances were odd. Well not even
odd as much as they weren’t exactly picture perfect. I Had left her in good condition I thought. I really thought it
through on how life could change that much for someone to drive them to that point of no return. We had a great relationship and experienced the most we could out of life at the time. I Just couldn’t be that guy anymore I couldn’t live the way we were and get to my goals in lief if I were to continue in the way we were living. She was unchanging in that fashion, she lived on the whim of the moment and never looked back. I lived for the future always analyzing my choices and determining if I was making the right decisions.I simply always
knew in my heart that I could help her and bring her back from the edge.But at the end I just saw there was no way to turn it all around. Now I can,now I can change that and I will.

Tuesday Morning would be here in 12 hours. So now the coin toss would happen ,
heads try staying up all night long and use the bus ride to sleep the first day
away or tails hurry up get packed and chow down so i can go to bed and be up at buttcrack 0-30

StIgnace Michigan the Harbor

(still a standing joke in my head from my dad he was a seargent in the Army.) Get breakfast and chill for a bit before
I leave town. Morning on the lake was always awesome so it might be a nice thing before
heading to the desert.
I grabbed at my jeans. Nahh I need shorts, jeans would just give me sweaty booch
and Your body has got to breathe on the busride it is a necessity.Anyways it was only
going to be cold for a bit before I was south of the border.
This time of year was always a bit warmer from Ohio Down.

Mentally I had tossed that coin and was waiting for a results based on a mathmatical
computaion revolving around my emotions and need for sleep vs food vs the walk. I felt
good about this trip because it was a grab and go trip, funny to put it that way I guess
being it involved a human. But yeah I was headed to Arizona on a Greyhound to get my ex girlfriend
(soon to be girlfriend again)and bring her back to Michigan for my safe Keeping, .Again I grabbed
for some more shorts and a few t shirts.AHHH! All my friends here in St.Ignace will
litterally be chilling by the lakeside being as late february is always cold as a witches tit
and more windy that a Bean festival.That was stupid, did i really just write that down.
Either way I was finishing packing my backpack it was really all I would need on the trip back and forth 3 days
in both directionsI could simply wash my stuff at Becky’s Moms House and do the return trip in the same gear.

I needed a book something to read and I had already read everything in my collection,pretty much anyways. I couldn’t
get into Gerald’s Game it just creeped me out to soon, Good Job Mr.King. I grabbed some cassettes together RHCP ( Red Hot Chili Peppers)
and a few other of my favorites a the time. I hadn’t made the full switch over to CD by this point. I had
collected so much music on cassette that it just didn’t seem like I would ever go re-purchase everything all over again, That would be insane.
I had started my collection at about 12 years old I guess. the Ghostbusters soundtrack was my first piece of music I owned. Then I remember my
Mom got me Pink Floyd Momentary Lapse Of Reason and My Sister Got me Ozzy Diary of a Madman.Those tapes shaped me musicality I guess. occasionally
I would raid my sisters stash of tapes, Cinderella, Janes Addiction and a few other choice pieces. She was always into super
hair band and hair metal I was always more of a substance kinda of guy.

Ahh Shit look at me 5 paragraphs into this and Im babbling already Well I’ll try to focus sorry.

So the toss came up heads which was a fine thing. I had taken this trip in and out of St.Ignace and the stops were few and far between on the south route untill you got a few hours in by that time if I wasn’t able to snatch up the back seat then I was slipping and I needed to stepup my Bus game. Also at this point it was 6:30 in the evening and I hadn’t even begun to think about dinner. It would be 10 -o- clock by the time
I got anything together. Maybe I would just head out to the village Inn or maybe stop in to The Driftwood for a drink and dinner. My budget was pretty tight now that I wasn’t making tips but I really needed the break from being in front of everyone all the time and I enjoyed working in the kitchen anyways.
Heading out for dinner and a Drink might put me below budget for the week of travel but we will see.HAHHAHAHA those were always my last words before going broke at the bar.i really enjoyed some beer in those days. Not to much of a drinker anymore but yeah in those days I was known for my binges.

I got the rest of everything packed and zipped up my shower and grooming in as well as a final good clean up on the apartment. Now it was 7 -o-clock time to start thinking about dinner. I decided on Chinese. Despite St.Ignace being a tourist town of only about 3500 people there was a great little asian/Chinese place down on the corner from and I really liked it. There were always large portions of whatever you got and they loaded it up with meat.Yeah that would be a great choice it would give me some leftovers so I can eat in the morning before leaving as well.

I was walking out of my unit and ran face to face into Deborah. She wasn’t Beautiful but she was attractive thick brown hair heavy waves in it and she had some
weight on her but not disgusting weight it was educated weight (meaning a man with knowledge of a real woman would appreciate what he sees) a sleek form that led to
some nice curves and in my young age I had only to close my eyes for a brief second to see the fun in that. She looked over and smiled followed by
“whatcha doing tonight, Staying Sober I hope ” she smirked out of the corner of her mouth. The smile that came with it said I know what you do with your time
you dirty boy, or take me with you I want to go out so bad. I gave her a smile and said ” just going to get some Chinese. Do ya want anything?”
She shook her head no and made a bitter face. “that stuff is full of MSG’s and anyways I ate a little bit ago, but you go have a good dinner. I’ll be here folding clothes
and growing old. ” she wasn’t that old I didn’t have her at any older than 40 maybe 42. To old for me at that time in my life but not to old.To be honest she could have me anytime she wanted but I believe the flirting and chasing was really more her speed.It was for the better anyway sh was curiously mysterious I didn’t know a lot about her and it would really take the fun out of our cat and mouse game if we were to fulfill this fantasy. Anyways I was still in love and about to fulfill the grand adventure of rescuing my damsel in distress.

Leaving Deborah in the foyer I walked out onto the porch and realized I was underdressed for the night as usual. Seemed to always happen but thats Michigan for you the days are much different weather than the nights typically. It was very cool dark and moist. Febuary was always a hit and miss up here. Being on the lakeside it could be cold and misty or dry as a old bone and bitter cold. I preffered the moisture in the air even though that typically meant lower visability,it also meant that there was a warmth in the air.I pulled my hoodie up the wind was picking up which more than likely meant more snow tonight.

As I walked I thought about the brief vacation I would have back in Arizona out of this weather and knowing this route on the bus pretty well I really was looking forward to getting to the Texarcana Border stop. Thats when you knew the weather was goingto be steady warm for the next 900 miles. The worst thing you can do on a bus is overdress and sweat for three days.I dug in my pocket and pulled out a smoke for the walk.
One of the main reasons I choose the asian resteraunt is the locality, probably 100 yards maybe 150 yards from my apartment. I could make it there and back without my food getting cold.

It was silent as it usually is this time of year.The busy season starts around May here and runs until the beginning of November mostly it revolves around business on the Island. The Isaland wow I could go on and on about the adventures I’ve had on that rock but this story isn’t about that time in my life. It is however part of how I ended up in Arizona in the first place.I could hear a dog barking a few blocks over and it didn’t sound like anything was seperating us. I instinctivly whipped my head back and forth just to make sure it wasn’t running up on me.I was safe , for now. I’ve seen a few straysover the last efw weeks that look like they
hadn’t had a home in some time but I was in no position to take on a pet nor did I ever feel up to battling with a feral dog either.

I walked in the door and Sue greeted me with the same smile I was used to seeing on her. And Joe was in the kitchen cooking. Niether spoke the best english but they had very American names.
not sure if they were chinese or maybe even Japanese. My honest guess was Japanese and even more than that the age on the two of them was near enough to be refugees from the World War II camps down State.
I never asked and they never talked much they were pleasant and hard working as well they always had my food out in good time and it was always delicious. Truthfully I couldn’t even of told you that at this time in
my life what the difference was between Japanese or chinese food.So I guess their nationality never really mattered.I got sweet and sour beef and broccoli with extra rice. I gave my usual $2 tip and
waved goodbye and they in turn gavee me the usual have a good night. I always have known their names but I don’t think they have ever even asked mine.

I began walking back towards the apartment my food hanging low in the bag I was holding and only 100 yards to go. I seemed to feel it for some reason before I saw it but either way the car drove up behind me slowly and lights out. I couldn’t quite make out who was behind the wheel, but I knew the car and yeah it was Trent. He was one of those friends that seemed to bug the shit out of you, but you kept him around anyways.
“Gimmie your money!” he yelled from the passenger window. I laughed mainly because I was from the ciy and the last thing Trent sounded was threatening.
“What’s Happening, I asked.
“Heading to Randy’s to get wasted and play some Eucre. You want to come out with us.”
“I’m actually headed out first thing in the morning for Arizona.”
“All The More reason to come Muggz. I mean what if something happened to you, I’d hate to say I didn’t get to have a last drink with ya.”
“Budgets too slim man unless you’re buying?” I snickered a low chortle of a laugh knowing he didn’t have the extra cash we both worked slim to no hours and layoff season makes it even worse. The only real way to keep making money year-round up here was to work at the casino or sell drugs and the town was too small for the latter of the two.
I got a case man that’s enough for us”, he really wanted more company ” and I got one to burn on the way there bro!”
he drove a hard bargain, so I had him pull into my driveway. I ran upstairs and grabbed a twenty just in case. Not sure of what I was thinking at the time this was going to be a weird night or real boring. I got back in the car, and he immediately sparked the joint he was saving, he said we were headed to Randy’s whom which I used to work with, and we got along pretty good. One thing about the north is you just never know what someone thinks of you till you sit and drink a few together and sitting drinking a few together was what you did up here in the winter.