Stephen Dorff says 'nobody will remember garbage superhero movies'

Stephen Dorff has branded the latest batch of superhero movies "embarrassing garbage" that "nobody will remember".

The actor has long been an outspoken critic of comic book films that have swept into cinemas in recent years - insisting the majority are not as good as previous big screen efforts like his 1998 Marvel movie 'Blade' - and he's now taken aim at recent offerings like Dwayne Johnson's version of DC Comics character 'Black Adam'.

In an interview with The Daily Beast, Dorff let rip saying: "If comic-book movies were more like when I started when we made 'Blade', or the few that have been decent over the years, like when [Christopher] Nolan did 'The Dark Knight' and reinvented 'Batman' from Tim Burton, who’s obviously a genius … when they were interesting ...

"But all this other garbage is just embarrassing, you know what I mean?"

Dorff went on to insist that he understands big budge superhero blockbusters make a lot of money, but can't see the value in them.

He added: "I mean, God bless them, they're making a bunch of money, but their movies suck. And nobody’s going to remember them. Nobody’s remembering 'Black Adam' at the end of the day. I didn’t even see that movie, it looked so bad."

Dorff previously vented his fury at Scarlett Johansson's Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) film 'Black Widow' - declaring he felt "embarrassed" for her.

However, he later had a change of heart and sent her a note of apology.

He told told “I think that was a little bit out of context. I love Scarlett. [She’s] a great actress ... She’s an old friend of mine, so I felt bad about that comment ...

"I sent her a little note ... I'm sure she's been in a similar situation... I was just s*** talking a little bit and I feel bad."

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