Prince Harry seduced Sasha Walpole with birthday card and Miss Piggy toy

Prince Harry seduced Sasha Walpole with a birthday card and a funfair toy.

The 40-year-old digger driver has revealed that she was the woman who took the Duke of Sussex's virginity behind a pub in 2001 and the former royal stable girl has revealed how she fell for the prince's charms at her 19th birthday party.

In a birthday card, the royal wrote: "Dear Sash, Have a very happy birthday and don’t get too p*****! Luckily I’ll be there to keep an eye on you. Loads of love xx. Thanks for everything."

Sasha, who worked as a stable girl at King Charles' Highgrove retreat, revealed that the teenage Prince Harry had got her a birthday card about a farting whale and signed it with 'Baz' - a nickname that he revealed during a recent appearance on 'The Late Show with Stephen Colbert' to promote his memoir 'Spare'.

She told The Sun on Sunday newspaper: "He never signed off with his real name, even on a text it would be H.

"He said, ‘Thanks for everything’ — it wasn’t for anything specific, but he could have been referring to my work at Highgrove House."

The pair had been to Thorpe Park prior to the romp and Walpole revealed that Prince Harry had added a saucy twist to a Miss Piggy toy he had won at the theme park.

She said: "He won a Miss Piggy wearing a tropical outfit, and when he got to the party he gave it to me as a present with the card.

“I noticed that Harry had stuffed Miss Piggy’s bra with extra paper to give her boobs a boost."

Sasha explained that Prince Harry and his older brother Prince William had formed an 80-strong group who all bonded over their love of horses and recalled how the royal was unaffected by his status.

She said: “Everyone was equal in the world of horses. It was a mixed bunch of polo players, grooms, hunt staff. You have racing people, the whole shebang.

"It was all about the horses. It didn’t matter if you’re a groom, a rider or a prince, nobody was bigger than anybody else.

"The grooms were given a lot of respect.

"You’re only as good as your groom and everyone knew the c*** they had to deal with, the horses weren’t always easy.

"Harry didn’t act like a prince, there was no snobbery or hierarchy, it was just mates talking about horse events."

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