Prince Harry and Sasha Walpole's romp was fuelled by heartache and alcohol

Prince Harry and Sasha Walpole downed shots before romping behind a pub.

The 40-year-old digger driver has revealed herself as the "older woman" who took the Duke of Sussex's virginity behind the Vine Tree Inn pub in Wiltshire 2001 and says that the five-minute sexual encounter - which the royal disclosed in his memoir 'Spare' - was fuelled by alcohol and heartache as she had recently spilt from her first boyfriend, who had turned up at the venue with his new lover.

Sasha told The Sun on Sunday newspaper: "Harry was a friend and knew I was gutted and upset. So when the girlfriend rocked up, he knew how I was feeling.

"He didn’t give me a hug — instead he brought me shots. He brought me some shots to kind of say, ‘Come on, let’s lift the mood’.

"I didn’t see him go to the bar but he came up to me and said, 'Happy birthday — let’s do some drinks' not long after this girl got there.

"There were about five each — a tequila, a Baileys, sambuca, a mixture — on a black bar tray.

“And we downed them between us. Shot by shot.”

Walpole and the prince knew each other after she had worked as a stable girl at Highgrove, the country retreat of King Charles, but had no contact after their liaison at a party to celebrate her 19th birthday.

She recalled: "Harry and I never texted or rang each other after that. I didn’t mind. I wasn’t embarrassed.

"Was I disappointed he didn’t ring? No. It was circumstances, we weren’t going out, we didn’t need to ring each other."

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