Andrew Tate Arrest Sheds Light On Romania’s Sexcam Boom

Andrew Tate poses shirtless at sunset (Image: Instagram)

Andrew Tate took the internet by storm in 2022 after his misogynistic rambles went viral on TikTok.

Last month, the British-American former professional boxer was arrested in Romania for alleged rape and human trafficking. It is alleged that Tate and his brother Tristan forced women into prostitution and sex camming.


Tate claims that there is no evidence and that he is innocent but the allegations have shed a light on Romania’s sex cam boom.

What started out as a “niche activity” turned into one of the world’s biggest dealers of virtual sex, with an estimated 500 studios popping up across the country.

Industry tycoons fear that the recent Tate scandal will tarnish the studios’ reputations.

The virtual sex business has become normalized in Romania, with some women claiming that there is a lot of room to grow in the industry and many opportunities to make money.

Some camgirls make up to $8,000 a month. When they are under contract, they can receive 50-90% of the profits that the studio earns. 

Even though the industry is legal, it is neither regulated under Romanian law nor recognized in terms of taxation, forcing the women to work as “online service providers” based on a copyright contract.


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