MAGA Republican Extremism Poses Threat To Fight Against Violent Crime And Fentanyl Trafficking, Says White House

MAGA Republican extremism in Congress is posing a serious threat to the United States’ fight against violent crime and fentanyl trafficking, according to a statement by Andrew Bates, a spokesperson for the Biden administration.

“MAGA Republicans in Congress are trying to defund and abolish the ATF, the federal law enforcement agency responsible for helping stop the flow of firearms into the hands of gun traffickers,” said Bates. “MAGA Republicans are also obstructing President Biden’s assault weapons ban, even though assault weapons purchased in the United States are arming drug cartels and enabling them to outgun law enforcement.”

Bates further expressed his concern that Congressional Republicans are prioritizing tax giveaways for the wealthy over law enforcement officers and the safety of American citizens. “MAGA Republicans are choosing the gun industry’s profits over American lives,” he added.