Banging Noise Detected Possibly From Missing Submersible On Titanic Expedition

New 3-D image of the Titanic (Image: Atlantic Productions)

An update on the search for the missing people on the submersible on an expedition to see the Titanic has been announced. 

In an attempt to locate the missing craft, sonar aircraft and similar technologies are being deployed. One of these aircraft heard noises on Tuesday, and the crew hopes that this was from the missing submersible. 

The U.S. Coast Guard confirmed this information saying that they “detected underwater noises in the search area.”

The crew heard banging sounds every 30 minutes and when they used more sonar technology four hours later they still could hear the banging. 

Unfortunately, when they continued to search that area they did not find anything, but are still continuing to look. 

The U.S. Coast Guard Northeast tweeted this update saying, “Canadian P-3 aircraft detected underwater noises in the search area. As a result, ROV operations were relocated in an attempt to explore the origin of the noises. Those ROV searches have yielded negative results but continue.”

They are still unsure of the source of the banging and if it even was from the submersible. One possible answer is that the crew is banging on the ship’s hull, which the sonar could detect. 

There are multiple ships and aircraft that use sonar technology being used in the search. Sonar is helpful because it can map the ocean through sound waves. The sound waves are able to detect the location of objects and how far away they are. 

There are also experts in dive and rescue that are on standby in case the craft is located. 

Currently, no contact has been made since Sunday and there have been no other advances in the case. The submersible only has about 96 hours of air in total, which means now they have less than 24 hours left. 

Meanwhile, new revelations about OceanGate, the company that built the submersible, have been reported. In 2018, a lawsuit charged that the company was not concerned with safety. The former head of marine operations wrote a report alleging that there were deficiencies with an older model of the Titan. OceanGate then sued him for breaking his non-disclosure contract. 

OceanGate has not made any comments since Monday when they released a statement to the media.


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