Wilko: ‘Genuine grounds for hope’ over future of troubled retailer as possible buyers circle

By Jack Mendel

Wilko could be saved from going under with a union claiming there is serious prospects of it being bought out.

The GMB union has said there are “genuine grounds for hope” over the future of stricken retailer Wilko after expressions of interest from potential buyers during the administration process.

This comes after the troubled retailer entered administration putting around 12,000 jobs at risk, with the low-cost retailer’s administrators PWC giving people until Wednesday to put forward offers.

In the days after the news, share prices for the rivals like B&M increased amid speculation that they may swoop in to save the business.

“GMB has met with administrators and the company as part of the formal consultation process,” said Andy Prendergast, GMB national secretary.

“We can confirm there have been expressions of interest from organisations who are considering taking over at least some parts of the business.

“These are still at an early stage, but means there are genuine grounds for hope.

“Whilst this process continues staff will continue to be paid and kept on. All stores are continuing to trade, and deliveries of new stock will continue.”


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