Ziggy Owei’s New Book Unveils the Secrets To Achieving Dreams Against All Odds

The author believes success is found through persistent resilience.

In an inspiring new chapter of her life, Ziggy Owei recounts the incredible journey from being a dreamer to an accomplished achiever in her latest book, The Power of Leadership with Ziggy Owei (available in print and ebook). Her captivating story is filled with determination, courage, and unwavering faith and offers invaluable lessons on how to turn dreams into reality, even in the face of seemingly insurmountable challenges.

Ziggy Owei is an MBA graduate from the University of Cape Town Graduate School of Business and has been a self-made entrepreneur for 24 years. She is the MD/CEO of Medical Rescue 911 Pty Ltd. She also sits on the board of two companies jointly owned by her husband: Avondale Services and Supplies Ltd and Eti Health and Leisure Ltd. She recently entered the direct sales marketing industry and empowers families financially, spiritually, emotionally, and psychologically. She is a transformational speaker who elevates her listeners through her words, values, and daily actions.

Her main message to readers encapsulates what it means to go from dreaming to succeeding: “Every success starts with a dream — a dream that seems delusional and unattainable based on your situation.”

Ziggy’s story begins at the age of 21. After she married her soulmate, they both had grand dreams for their future. Despite facing financial hardships in Nigeria and being laughed at for their audacity, they held onto their dreams tenaciously.

Their journey was not without challenges. From humble beginnings in a small flat and taking night buses to affordable destinations, they built their foundation on the will to succeed and unwavering faith. Even with four children to care for, they pressed on, believing in their abilities.

After eight years of hard work and resilience, a scholarship opportunity in Germany seemed like a turning point. They relocated as a family and embraced a minimalistic lifestyle. The challenges continued, but their belief in their dreams remained unshaken.

Their journey wasn’t without sacrifices, including 14 years of living apart. However, their focus on purpose and end goals sustained them through the struggle.

“Recognizing the turning points and opportunities that present themselves and making the right decision at those points is crucial,” says Ziggy.

The Power of Leadership with Ziggy Owei is a story of hope, triumph, and the enduring power of dreams. It’s a must-read for anyone seeking inspiration to overcome obstacles and achieve their aspirations.

Here’s what Ifeyinwa Ugochukwu, vice president of New Globe Inc., says about Ziggy’s hyperfocus on success: “Ziggy has a passion for living! She does everything with an intensity and passion that can move mountains. I have worked closely with Ziggy, and the experiences gathered are worth their weight in gold…With Ziggy, there is no room for lukewarmness; either you’re all in or out. I believe this quality is integral to success in every field. Punctuality, diligence, passion, and productivity; wherever you find these qualities, there you will most certainly find success. And Ziggy is a living example.”

Atose Aguele, CEO of Avedia Energy, comments on how Ziggy and her husband carried each other through their struggles: “Ziggy had dreams, but I knew it was just a matter of time before her dreams were fulfilled. She had the intellect to make those dreams a reality. Another important factor was the support Ziggy had from her husband. It was unrelenting. You could see he was her biggest cheerleader. Ziggy is now in a vortex with brilliant daughters, a supportive husband, and an enabling environment. The sky’s the limit. When Ziggy discusses business proposals, she always brings 100% and excels.”

To learn more about Ziggy Owei and her incredible journey, grab a copy of The Power of Leadership with Ziggy Owei (available in print and ebook).

Company Name: Success Publishing, LLC