'Turning Point' in the Feud: King Charles and Prince Harry's Birthday Phone Call Sparks 'Hope' for the Future

Prince Harry reportedly called his father, King Charles III, to wish him a happy birthday.MEGA

Prince Harry had a cordial phone call with his father, King Charles III, to celebrate his 75th birthday on Tuesday, November 14, which apparently went better than expected by many.

"The chat marked a notable shift in tone. Even ending with an agreement to speak again next week," a publication shared.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex both reportedly spoke with King Charles III on his birthday.MEGA

"The 75th birthday of the longest-serving Prince of Wales in our history to become king is unquestionably a milestone. There is no doubt that there is a deep rift in the royal family, which has become disastrously public. Charles has, however, ensured that the door has been kept open in case relations with the Sussexes improve," royal commentator Richard Fitzwilliams told an outlet.

"However, reports that the call which Harry made to wish his father a happy birthday went well, that he also spoke to Meghan, and that Archie and Lili sang happy birthday to him in a video, has led to hopes that future relations will be friendlier," the expert added.

These reports come after acrimonious headlines suggesting that the Duke of Sussex had been snubbed outright when it came to his father's birthday. Although Harry did not attend any events in person, news of a positive phone call between the two is a sign that the tides could be turning when it comes to the bitter relations between the Sussex' and the royals.

Prince William and Kate, Princess of Wales, are reportedly still feuding with Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. MEGA

"This would be of enormous benefit to the king. The monarchy's low popularity among the young has been linked to the rift with the Sussexes. It might also help [Harry and Meghan's] ratings, which are low both in Britain and the United States, as many deplore their attacks on the royal family. Mutual trust needs to be restored, let us hope this is a beginning," Fitzwilliams concluded.

Even though the feud could be waning between the monarch and the Sussex family, how it fares with Prince William and Kate, Princess of Wales, is another matter.

Prince Harry criticized his stepmother, Queen Camilla, in 'Spare' but largely spared writing negatively about his father, King Charles III.MEGA

"They’re the first to admit it’s been a tough year, but everyone agrees William and Kate have done a wonderful job staying strong in the face of such adversity," a palace insider spilled to an outlet in October.

"Kate has no desire to communicate with Harry or Meghan. There has been too much that has happened, and she’s not ready yet. William wants his relationship with his brother to improve, but they’re not speaking right now. So when that will happen is still uncertain," the anonymous source added.

Numerous analysts have stated that Harry's passages about William and Kate in his book, Spare, are far worse than anything the Montecito Duke wrote about the King or Queen Camilla.

Prince Harry and King Charles III have kept contact with one another since the monarch's accession to the throne in September 2022. MEGA

Newsweek reported on expert opinions.

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