US Reinforces Commitment To Belgrade-Pristina Dialogue: Urgent Call For Breakthrough On The Association Of  Serb Majority Municipalities

In the realm of international diplomacy, while Ukraine and Gaza take center stage, the Western Balkans remains an underreported hotspot. The EU-led Belgrade-Pristina Dialogue finds itself at a standstill post the Ohrid Agreement, with the resolution of the establishment of the Associations of Serb-Majority Municipalities in Kosovo still pending.

As the curtain falls on 2023, Prime Minister Albin Kurti has yet to address this matter, despite the explicit stance of the United States, emphasizing it as a legally binding obligation for him to do so.

“We have been clear on our position on this: The United States continues to support the EU-facilitated Dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia as the only path to achieve a peaceful and productive relationship between Kosovo and Serbia,” a State Department spokesperson told The Pavlovic Today.

“We reiterate our calls for both countries to engage seriously and urgently toward this end and to fully implement all of their Dialogue commitments, which include the Association of Serb Majority Municipalities,” said the State Department spokesperson.