Rep. Tenney Condemns Kosovo For Denying Equal Rights To Serbs And Blatant Violation Of Brussels Agreement

In a move aimed at addressing violations of the 2013 Brussels Agreement by Kosovo, Rep. Claudia Tenney (NY-24), co-chair of the Serbian caucus in the US Congress, has introduced the “Backing the Agreed-upon Compromises by Kosovo Imposed by the Negotiated Guarantees of the 2013 Brussels Agreement Act,” or simply the “BACKING the 2013 Brussels Agreement Act.”

The New York Congresswoman emphasized the significance of the Brussels Agreement, a diplomatic accord between Belgrade and Pristina forged in 2013 which to this day remains unfulfilled. Tenney raised concerns that Pristina has failed to fulfill crucial commitments outlined in the agreement regarding the establishment of an Association of Serb-majority Municipalities and a unified police force.

“Kosovo has denied equal rights to Kosovo Serbs. Kosovo’s failure to fulfill this agreement violates international norms and creates tension and instability in the Balkans,” said Rep. Tenney.

The proposed legislation introduced by Rep. Tenney seeks to address these concerns by imposing restrictions on U.S. assistance to Kosovo until certain conditions stipulated in the 2013 Brussels Agreement are met.