Trump's Immigration Agenda Takes Center Stage As Johnson Moves To Impeach Mayorkas

The day before Speaker Johnson was set to proclaim the Senate border deal “dead on arrival,” The Pavlovic Today’s Good Morning DC revealed how Trump’s staunch rhetoric on border security is likely to make Republicans in both chambers less inclined to engage in bipartisan deals with Democrats on immigration-related matters. This prediction has come to life.

Immigration is the most crucial issue for Americans across the political spectrum, as highlighted in the recent Harvard CAPS / Harris poll. In this election year, Republicans are strategically leveraging the singular importance of immigration to attract votes away from Joe Biden.

Source: Harvard CAPS / Harris poll January 2024

House Speaker Mike Johnson is aligning himself with his party’s Presidential candidate, Donald Trump on immigration issues. In a letter to colleagues, Johnson pledged on Friday to go forward with the impeachment of Secretary Mayorkas.

“When we return next week, by necessity, the House Homeland Security Committee will move forward with Articles of Impeachment against Homeland Security Secretary Mayorkas,” Johnson stated in his letter. “A vote on the floor will be held as soon as possible thereafter.”

Johnson empathized that “public opinion polls show the country has overwhelmingly sided with us on this issue.”

Republicans believe that Secure the Border Act is the solution for the immigration crisis on the southern border. They maintain, as outlined in Johnson’s letter, that any bipartisan agreement with Democrats must include provisions such as the “Stay in Mexico” policy and an end to “Catch and Release.”

Johnson pens a letter to colleguesDownload

In his letter, Johnson also reiterated the Republican position regarding Texas Governor Greg Abbott’s announcement to defy both the Biden administration and the US Supreme Court by ordering the Texas National Guard to instal additional razor wire to deter migration. In 2021, Governor Greg Abbott initiated Operation Lone Star, deploying the Texas National Guard and the Texas Department of Public Safety to the southern border.

“I made clear that we stand with the Texas Governor Greg Abbott in his heroic efforts to protect the citizens of his state and all Americans, and I am emphasizing again today that House Republicans will vigorously oppose any policy proposal from the White House or Senate that would further incentivize illegal aliens to break our laws,” Johnson said.

Trump called on “all willing States” to deploy National Guard members to Texas over the removal of razor wire across the US-Mexico border.

“In the face of this National Security, Public Safety, and Public Health Catastrophe, Texas has rightly invoked the Invasion Clause of the Constitution, and must be given full support to repel the Invasion,” stated Trump.

Twenty-five GOP governors have echoed Texas Governor Greg Abbott’s stance, expressing solidarity with his efforts to “stepping up to protect American citizens from history levels of illegal immigration, deadly drugs like fentanyl and terrorists entering our country.”

Trump’s hardline position on border security is poised to exert significant influence over the Republican agenda on Capitol Hill, shaping their approach to negotiations with Democrats. In the election year, Republicans will use immigration and border security as key issues to regain the White House in November.