Mayorkas Impeachment Looms: Accused Of Systemic Law Ignorance And Breach Of Public Trust

House Republicans in the House Committee on Homeland Security are set to markup the articles of impeachment against Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas today. Mayorkas faces accusations of “high crimes and misdemeanors” by breaching the public trust and “willfully and systemically refused to comply with Federal immigration laws.” According to a GOP source The Pavlovic Today spoke to, a formal impeachment vote on the House floor is anticipated to occur sometime next week.

In response to the allegations, Mayorkas penned a letter to Committee Chairman Mark Green, stating, “Whatever proceedings you initiate, however baseless, my responsiveness to oversight requests will not waiver,” Mayorkas wrote in a letter to Green. “I assure you that your false accusations do not rattle me and do not divert me from the law enforcement and broader public service to which I remain devoted.”

Chairman Mark Green, leading all Republican members of the committee said that the impeachment is used as all “other options to hold him accountable” have been “exhausted.”

I assure you that your false accusations do not rattle me.

DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas.

“After our nearly year-long investigation and subsequent impeachment proceedings, and having exhausted all other options to hold him accountable, it is unmistakably clear to all of us—and to the American people—that Congress must exercise its constitutional duty and impeach Secretary Mayorkas. The Secretary has consistently, willfully, and systemically refused to follow the laws passed by Congress, abused his authority, and breached the trust of Congress and the American people on numerous occasions. The result of his failure to fulfill his oath of office has been a border crisis that is unprecedented in American history—a crisis that has cost the lives of thousands of Secretary Mayorkas’ fellow Americans,” stated Rep Green.

Democrats are criticizing Republicans for their pursuit of Mayorkas’s impeachment, arguing that there is no basis for such action beyond policy disagreements and that what is going on is simply Republican opposition to the Biden administration’s approach to border issues.

They contend that the alleged offenses do not constitute “high crimes and misdemeanors” and instead reflect partisan discontent with the administration’s handling of border affairs.

“There is no treason. There is no bribery. There is no high crime and misdemeanor. You have two completely made-up accusations in a litany of articles of impeachment that simply recite policy disputes because the Republicans do not like how President Biden and Secretary Mayorkas have tried to address the issues at the border,” Rep. Dan Goldman (D-N.Y.), a member of the committee, said at a Monday press conference.