Key Highlights From Stoltenberg's Visit To The US

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg wrapped up his diplomatic tour of the United States this week at the headquarters of the US Special Operations Command (SOCOM) in Tampa, Florida.

Addressing troops, Stoltenberg underscored that in a changing world with serious challenges, NATO Allies stand united “around our core cause to protect and defend each other.”

Secretary Stoltenberg visited Washington DC, Alabama, and Florida. During his visit, he engaged with political leaders, industry representatives, and military officials, consistently conveying the core message: “NATO makes all allies more safe, secure, and prosperous.”

Earlier this week, US House Speaker Mike Johnson and Stoltenberg met on Capitol Hill and released a joint statement on Tuesday. They emphasized their commitment to “bolstering America’s security.” Additionally, they highlighted the importance of “sending a decisive message to President Putin” that he will not win “his war of aggression” in Ukraine.

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg at USSOCOM HQ at MacDill Air Force Base, Tampa Florida with Major General Michael Martin, U.S. Special Operations Command, Director of operations [ Photo credit: NATO]

In their high-level meeting, Speaker Johnson and Stoltenberg also discussed “the growing threat and challenge of China” and “condemned Iran’s destabilizing role throughout the Middle East, including its support for militants and terror groups which attack Allied forces, commercial shipping, and vital partners like Israel.”

In the statement, they addressed the urgent matter of “member nations reaching their stated defense investment commitments.”

Stoltenberg also met with House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries and participated in a discussion focused on Ukraine with Republican representatives while on the Hill. He concluded by meeting with the Co-Chairs of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly and the leadership of the US House Foreign Affairs Committee.

On Wednesday, Stoltenberg visited the Lockheed Martin facility in Troy, Alabama. He emphasized NATO’s crucial role in creating a vast market for defense sales and production, noting that “over the last two years alone, NATO Allies have agreed to buy 120 billion dollars’ worth of weapons from US defense companies.”

Stoltenberg underlined that the Ukrainian people are defending their country with courage and determination, crucially supported by weapons and ammunition provided by NATO Allies.

From the 9th to the 11th of July 2024, DC will host the NATO Summit, planning to continue “strengthen cooperation” in the lead-up months to the event.